
Born on January 1, 2005 at Denver, CO
Arrived at Mission: Wolf on October 26, 2007
Passed away on February 3, 2014

Sex: Male
Lived with Mountain Spirit, Amulet

Sex: Male
Lived with Peaches

Did you know? It takes $3,000 a year just to feed and care for one of our wolves. By giving $5 or more a month, you can take a wolf to dinner by becoming a Wolf Caretaker

Sangre’s Story

Sangre Arrived at Mission: Wolf in 2007.  We believe that when he was young, Sangre was treated very roughly which caused him to have a large amount of aggression. This lead him to give his owner a bad bite. In most cases when an animal bites a person they are euthanized. Luckily for Sangre we agreed to take him in the hopes that he would make a good companion for one of our wolves.

 Once he arrived, we realized that he was really a misunderstood, wolfy-looking dog who had been labeled as a wolf-dog so a breeder could make money. The refuge staff worked to rehabilitate and train him to be a housedog, but he became very aggressive with any male staff that entered the kitchen. We have successfully trained and placed a few mislabeled dogs in the past. However, Sangre proved to be unsuitable for most owners. While he warmed up quickly to the female staff, Sangre would continually challenge male staff if the opportunity arose.

For his first few years at Mission: Wolf, he provided companionship to a wolf-dog named Daisy. They were good roommates but Daisy was very dominant over Sangre and often took his food. As time past Sangre became more and more timid at feeding time, and we decided that they were perhaps not the best pair.

We then placed Sangre with a female named Mountain Spirit, a beautiful, white wolf-dog who had recently lost her long time partner. The two hit it off instantly. Although they occasionally squabbled over food, they lived very well together and Sangre seemed much happier. As he aged, he welcomed several visitors including many men and was well behaved.