Raven I

Born on May 2, 1987 in Wisconsin
Arrived at Mission: Wolf on May 8, 1987
Passed away on August 26, 2000

Sex: Female
Lived with Jordan, Lucus, Nikkolah

Did you know? It takes $3,000 a year just to feed and care for one of our wolves. By giving $5 or more a month, you can take a wolf to dinner by becoming a Wolf Caretaker.

Raven’s Story

Raven was born in the spring of 1987 on a dairy farm in Wisconsin. The breeder bred and sold wolf-Rottweiler crosses he called “wolf-a-reilers.” When he became unable to care for a litter of gray wolf pups, Mission: Wolf took in Raven, her sister Jordan, and her brother Lucus.

When Raven and Jordan grew up and matured they overthrew the reigning alpha female, Cyndar. Cyndar never fully recovered from the attack. She seemed to lose both spirit and physical strength and died about a month after Jordan became the new alpha female. Raven soon took over her sister and became the alpha female.

To say that Raven was intense is just touching the tip of the iceberg. Despite her ferocity towards her sister Jordan, Raven was very gentle with her human companions. As her legend grows, Raven may be best remembered for her initiation of humans into the world of canis lupus. Raven was sometimes considered the Matriarch of Mission: Wolf, even after she lost the alpha position to her daughter Nyati.

Raven lived the remainder of her life with her grandsons, Nedd, Mowgli, and Druid. At first, Raven seemed to be unhappy: perhaps depressed or psychologically wounded after her ouster from the pack. Her mate, Nikkolah, decided to remain with the pack although there was an attempt to pair the two. Raven’s spirit remained strong and she was soon dominating her new pack mates, bossing them around and reminding the three young males that she was still the queen.